We have three different KUBO curriculums: the hands-on, the digital, and the blended curriculum, all of which are free and equipped with multiple, educational, and fun activities for the students.
All of the lesson plans include a wide range of activities that are thoroughly described; a guide that explains how to prepare for the lesson and what materials you need; worksheets for the students to fill out during the activity; suggestive cross-curricular activities that the teacher can choose to include in the lesson to connect coding with other subjects.
All of our curriculums are aligned with the ISTE, CSTA, Core Curriculum Standards, NGSS, and UK Curriculum Standards.
Note: the digital and blended curriculum are at the moment only available in English. They will be translated shortly. The hands-on curriculum is available in 12+ languages.
Be aware that you must have chosen English as your language on the website in order to access the digital and the blended curriculum. Visit Change language to learn how.
If you want to know more about how the lesson plans are carried out, visit How do you use the lesson plans.

The hands-on curriculum #
The hands-on curriculum consists of 11 lesson plans: four for the KUBO Coding Starter set, three for KUBO Coding+, and four for KUBO Coding++. Each lesson plan enables you to teach one or multiple coding concepts. Here, you can also find materials for KUBO Coding Math.
The four lesson plans for the KUBO Coding Starter set represent the following coding concepts: routes, functions, subroutines, and loops.
For KUBO Coding+, the first lesson Refresher Course goes through the coding concepts from the KUBO Coding Starter set. The next lesson plan Advancing Programming deals with more advanced coding concepts that allow the students to adjust time, direction, distance, and speed in their code. The last lesson plan Challenge Master includes fun and challenging activities for the students with which they can train the coding concepts they just learned.
In the first lesson plan of KUBO Coding++, the students are taught the four new coding concepts: variables, conditions, events, and random behaviours. The following three lessons entail that the students research the coding concept and collaborate with other students to write a story that KUBO must act out with code. The code must include the new coding concept the students just learned. In the end, the students shall present it in class.

The digital curriculum #
The digital curriculum is based on KUBO Play. It is divided into stories which each cover one coding concept. E.g., lesson plan 1 covers routes, lesson plan 6 covers speed, and so on. There are 12 lesson plans in total, four for each of the coding sets: KUBO Coding Starter set, KUBO Coding+, and KUBO Coding++. All of the activities take place in KUBO Play, and the student must therefore solve them digitally.

The blended curriculum #
The blended curriculum is a mix of hands-on and digital activities. Approximately half of them should be solved in KUBO Play and the other half with the physical KUBO Products. There are 12 lesson plans in total, four for each of the coding sets: KUBO Coding Starter set, KUBO Coding+, and KUBO Coding++.